Tuesday, June 19, 2007

June 19th - Earning My NSF Funds...


I just had to post that link as it shows my frustration in being in Australia and trying to determine my cm. shoe size, how many liters of petro I need, and how many mL of juice I want... oh wait, it's because we're (Americans) are one of those red spots on the map showing what countries are not using the metric system..... rrrr. Anyway, today was pretty standard day, woke up around 815am and had my breakfast as usual, got online and talked to catherine, and then made my downtown for one of my two interviews/conversations today. My first gent was a long haird Ph.D in Botany, who is now apparently very interested in conservation and its relation to transportation. I spoke with him for about an hour, pretty interesting, but also pretty short on time. After that short stint, I hopped on a bus for the leafy suburb of Nathan, Qld (that stands for Queensland), where I met yet another Ph.D, who was very interesting, and had plenty to say about transportation and land use, and he also referred to the head of the DCRP Dept at Berkeley as "Uncle Bob", hilarious... But I spoke with him for about 2 hours on the history of the busway, and just about australia in general, great conversation and now I have a pile of leads a foot high... which will probably take me the rest of the summer to sort out. At any rate, I then made my way back downtown and then onto Indooroopilly for a quick gym workout, a trip to the supermarket, and then back home to make dinner and type my notes for the day. Tomorrow, I'll be moving out of my home here at Brisbane City Backpackers, I'm a bit sad... it's a fun place and there are alot of people coming in and out of here, I've managed to meet some interesting folks, but onward to cheaper and more personal places.

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