Tuesday, June 26, 2007


So it's been raining all of yesterday and today... I know this for a couple of reasons besides the obvious, 1) the little cups that I have beside my bed keep chiming at night as they fill with water from the leak over my bed, 2) Every newspaper and tv news station reports that this rain that they're recieving will only provide them an extra day's water next year when doomsday arrives (e.g. they're expecting to run out of water in SouthEast Queensland by mid-2008... no, i'm serious, and 3) My office mate continually swears about the rainy weather they're having here.

So I'm not going to talk in much detail about today other than the fact that I am one step closer to booking an awesome 3-part tour to occur sometime during my stay here in Australia, more details to come shortly. In other news, I obtained a Brisbane City Library card today, which allows me to check out Ministry of Sound CDs and other good artists for free, in addition to countless DVDs, man, when did all of these libraries get cool. As for good news, the rain is supposed to end tomorrow, which is fantastic. I think I'm going to try to go for a run outside while the weather is nice and also try to setup another weekend down at the gold coast for some surfing!

So that's it for now, if you're reading this (if there is anyone reading this), hope you enjoy!

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